Friday, April 15, 2011

Award Ceremony: The Epitomite

The Epitomite,
brainless and heartless.
I am proud to announce the very first in what I anticipate to be a long series of awards collectively known as The Epitomite.

This humble statuette is presented here to those individuals who most exemplify what is wrong with the world today. Each recipient will have unabashedly demonstrated~

The Epitome
of mindless words, thoughtless deeds,
moral bankruptcy or frank sociopathy
in a leadership role.

Without further ado, I take the most sincere pleasure in awarding the very first Epitomite to:

Senator Jon Kyl
Republlcan of Arizona

Senator Kyl enjoyed a sure and certain spot on the short list of potential recipients. However, his recent performance on the floor of the U.S. Senate, blatantly lying about a non-profit health and social service organization, Planned Parenthood, attempting to paint them in the darkest colors he could invent—coupled with his brazen excuse for that lie—have capped my growing contempt for his politics. He not only epitomizes a national political trend, but is a brilliantly tarnished example of what is wrong with Republican politics, especially in Arizona.

Congratulations Senator Kyl; you have worked long and hard to deserve this award.


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