Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Politics, the oldest profession and some old jokes

My two favorite "professional" jokes (you were warned they were oldies):

A man is sitting in a bar when a beautiful woman walks up and whispers in his ear, "I'll do anything you want for a hundred bucks."

He puts his drink down and digs some bills from his pockets. He pulls two fives, a ten and four twenties from the crumbled wad and thrusts the cash into the woman's hand and says, "Here. Go paint my house."


A famous man at a charity banquet asks the beautiful young woman next to him, “Assuming that you would likely give the money to charity, would you sleep with me for half a million dollars?”

After some thought she says, “Yes.”

“And would you for one hundred dollars?”

“Of course not! What sort of woman do you think I am?!”

“I think we've already determined that. Now we’re just haggling about price.


The American Dream
On a more serious note, until we can severely limit and rigidly control "donations" and other money exchanges in our elective political system, we will never have an actual democracy. I grant that the U.S. Constitution may allow the present abuses; that doesn't mean that it frames a pristine democratic process. Far, far from it. We delude ourselves in thinking otherwise.


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