Critical Race Theory: well, yeah, but no. Not to say that Ron DeSantis and his ilk are not douchebags of the first order, but I think Mr. DeSantis owes his rabidly anti-CRT position not so much to racism but more to the endemic sociopathy necessary to win votes in our political system. It's not so much that CRT is barking up the wrong tree, it's more that CRT adherents can't see the forest for that tree. And while DeSantis and those like him deliberately prey on people's fears, that is because we humans are so susceptible to being afraid. Fear brought us to the evolutionary stage we occupy today.
The problem with Critical Race Theory, for all its purported truth, is that it likewise engages the fears of many, many white people who are rooted in the systemic racism that grips us all. Please note: I am not saying that CRT is wrong, or bad, or a lie. What I am saying is that, while CRT may be a body of critical knowledge, it is quite obviously not an effective tool for winning the hearts and minds of frightened human beings. Marching under its banner may earn one kudos from the other members of the marching band, but it ain't gonna convince the parade-goers to march along. In fact, waving that flag in people's faces fans the flames that warms the cockles of DeSantis's and Trump's and McConnell's campaign coffers.
Accusing people of racism is not the way to counter or diminish racism. What needs to be confronted, and what I have yet to see addressed, is that all human beings are inherently racist -- and sexist, and ageist, and everything-else-that-is-different-from-me-ist.
Look around: the history of humanity is a tapestry of people identifying with others of their own kind: their own family, their own religiosity, their own gender, their own age, their own ethnicity, their own guild, their own every damn thing. Moreover this is due to an innate survival strategy that has human beings hard-wired by evolution to be fearful of those different from ourselves. Come to that, homogeneity is pretty much the strategy of every species on the planet. Shouting at people that their evolved organic personality structure is wrong or evil will be as effective as shouting at them to change the color of their eyes. It is no one's "fault" that he, or she, or non-binary pronoun of choice is racist. It is what it is.
That is the challenge we face: overcoming an inherent vice that is still an evolutionary imperative. Until we deal with that, all we are doing is barking up trees.
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