Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Spare Thoughts: Could it be? (A UGOB Extra)

As promised, here is one idle speculation as to why we still have significant concentrations of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. It came to me last year when I was looking at a map (a better map than this one, fortunately) attempting to reorient myself to the region. I was looking for other motives that President Obama might have for pursuing these two conflicts. One leapt out at me. Do you see it?

In a word, Iran.

Iran, the next anticipated trouble spot in the Middle East. Heck, we've already practically got 'em surrounded. Keep in mind that the presence of troops also means the presence of military infrastructure, the time-consuming part of world dominance.

Hey, I'm just saying.

Sorry about the map. When UGOB's cartographer was told we'd need something better, he just rolled his eyes and went back to watching movies.

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