Friday, December 10, 2010

Don’t get me started: Sydney or the Bush!

In the midst of all the maneuvering, manipulating and monkey business over renewing the Bush Tax Cuts, I can offer a sure-fire, never-miss program that will guarantee that the wealthiest Americans reinvest in our economy:
    1. Tax them.
    2. Spend the money.

No muss, no fuss. And with much more immediate economic effect than the never-has-worked-yet “trickle down” theory—what a crock that is!

Let’s face it: the reason the richest Americans are so wealthy is because the rest of us have been supporting them, not just with our labor, but also by shouldering up and soldiering for an America that allows them to accumulate that sort of fortune.

Beyond that, can you tell me that the sweat on their brows is worth $15,000,000 a year, while the sweat on yours is worth only $15,000?

Give me a break!

I’ll tell you what: there’s a “trickle up” theory that has already been proven. Let’s invest in that.


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