Friday, January 14, 2011

A rose by any other name

Here’s the essential problem with taxes as I see it: it’s the word “tax.” It just sounds bad. Its pronunciation has a harsh quality, even a threatening tone. Tax is just an unpleasant-sounding word.

In addition, “tax” carries an ancient connotation of coercion and disregard for one’s circumstances, a carryover from the days of free-spending monarchies, overarching empires and the practices of feudalism. Taxes then were collected by force without regard to the destitution of the populous.

Which is hardly the standard today; quite the opposite. Taxes lay lightest on the poorest.

Nor is anyone forced to pay taxes in this American age. In the days of feudalism, the peasants were tied to the land and really had no choice. Today, however, if you don’t want to pay taxes, you don’t have to; you can simply leave the country. Many corporations do it. Just so they won’t have to pay taxes. I wish more people would, too—specifically those always complaining about taxes.

Personally, I’ve always taken the perspective that taxes are more of a membership dues, the fee for allowing me the privileges and benefits of residing in and being a citizen of the United States of America. And that is no small thing. Consider just the guarantees of the Bill of Rights, let alone property ownership protection, the national parks, the interstate highway system and the Department of Defense, among a long, long list of additional and significant benefits.

The United States is a remarkable place, as many of us do notice. And for what we get, I think it’s a bargain. Especially compared to the price that many of our armed forces personnel have paid and are continuing to pay on this very day.

If you are a Citizen, then show some backbone. Quit your incessant whining. Pay your dues. Sure, things aren’t perfect. The whole operation is run by humans; what did you expect? Could it be better? Of course. We keep working on it. But quit thinking of taxes as a penalty.

Perhaps everyone needs to be reminded of exactly what it is we’re paying for: the United States of America. “The greatest country in the world” as many would have it. Well, look at it this way: you get what you pay for.


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