Friday, June 10, 2011

Don’t get me started: Is everybody stupid?

End of hiatus. Need to rant.

The GOP-controlled House is baying about Medicare and Medicaid spending.


The problem isn't healthcare spending, the problem is HEALTHCARE COSTS!

Since the greed-deregulating days of the Reagan administration, healthcare costs have been on a rocket ride to the stars. It’s the free-enterprise system at it’s absolute, money-grubbing, pay-or-you-die worst!

The GOP solution? More "free enterprise!"

When the Dems were in charge in the first years of the Obama administration, what was their solution? Why, to try to put together a system the GOP would like. Hence, the nearly useless Obama-Care. (Wouldn’t it be funny if that Republican derogation stuck—and 150 years from now the federal universal healthcare system—and there will be one—is still known as Obama Care?)

Meanwhile, our so-called Fourth Estate is as useless as teats on a tractor tire. Rather than analyzing the issues, they analyze the issuance and, just for a change of pace, they go after each other. Of course, there’s always NPR—but listen to them for a week, and you start drafting suicide notes.

Finally, let’s not forget who fawns upon every eructation of the GOP fear-mongers, who sucks up the drivel spewed by FOX, who elects these brainless zombies to high office, and who keeps begging to be led to the sacrificial altars of Reaganonomics election after election—it’s you, baby, it’s you!


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